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CHILL PEPE Coin Price: 1 SOL = 34,500,000 CHILL PEPE
Send 0 SOL to the following wallet address:
EoDj3h9KwpVy1RmzFBjpXpu7A2RhLVacPiSwmSYwoBC6You get: 0 CHILL PEPE coins
Network: Solana
For a smooth transaction, we recommend sending Solana from a DApp wallet such as Phantom or SolFlare.
Min buy amount: 0.1 Solana
How much will CHILL PEPE increase by in the first 7 days of trading?
379 voted Around 100%
581 voted Around 500%
459 voted Over 1000%
Chill Pepe socials, website, and presale.
Chill Pepe is staying nice and chill but also mega busy before launch.
Launch liquidity pool for Chill Pepe coin and let the fun start.
Meme contest for the community.
Expand Chill Pepe's community and partnerships.
Launch Chill Pepe's NFT series and staking platform.
Launch decentralized governance platform.
Integrate Chill Pepe into gaming ecosystems.
Expand Chill Pepe into international markets via multiple exchange listings.
Host a global Chill Pepe summit and festival for the community and update the Chill Pepe roadmap.
Supply: 4.2 Billion
Chain: Solana
50% liquidity pool
20% listings (exchanges)
20% presale
5% ecosystem (DAO + game)
4% airdrops
1% chill pepe summit